
Spay and Neuter Services in Lewisville

Spay and neuter surgeries are elective procedures that we recommend for all dogs and cats. A report released in 2013 shows a connection between overall health and life longevity among spayed and neutered pets. While other factors such as routine preventive care and improved nutrition certainly play a part, spaying or neutering your pet at the right age will have a lasting impact on their quality of life.

Why Do Spay and Neutered Pets Live Longer?

When dogs and cats are spayed and neutered early in life, they’re at less risk for diseases affecting their reproductive system. For females, this includes breast cancer, ovarian cancer, and uterine cancer; for males, this includes testicular cancer and prostate cancer.

Spaying female dogs and cats before their first heat cycle is the best way to minimize their cancer risks as much as possible. The longer you wait, the higher their risks become.

Issues that Spaying and Neutering Can Resolve

Contrary to popular belief, dogs and cats do not undergo a personality change when they’re spayed or neutered. However, they should exhibit fewer troublesome behaviors, such as:

  • Roaming around in search of a mate, which puts them at a greater risk for getting attacked by another animal or getting hit by a car
  • Vocalizing loudly and often
  • Acting unusually aggressive (male dogs)
  • Spraying strong-smelling urine to mark territory (male dogs and cats)
  • Mounting other animals, the furniture, or even people (male dogs)

Additionally, you’re benefiting strays and shelter animals by preventing unwanted pregnancies and keeping the stray/feral population down. Shelters will be less crowded and overwhelmed as a result, and more pets will find their forever home.


How Long Does It Take Pets to Recover from Surgery?

Pets are usually spayed and neutered when they’re still in the puppy or kitten stage. This means that they will heal and bounce back quickly from their procedure, but may also become restless and rambunctious during the recovery stage. We recommend strict crate rest and monitoring at home to keep your pet under control and ensure that they heal properly. Recovery time is dependent on both the type of surgery performed and the patient. We go over all recovery times and notes with you when you pick up your pet after their procedure.

If you have any questions or concerns during the recovery phase, we welcome your call!
